
Home > Knowledgebase > ECT Admin image upload / resize for ASP > Help with the AU02 configuration settings.

Help with the AU02 configuration settings.

The various configuration settings are explained here:

Max uploaded file size (default: 1048576)
This value is simply the maximum file size (in bytes) that the software will allow to be uploaded.  You can adjust the value as you wish, it's really just intended to save server resources by not allowing huge files to be loaded into memory.

File extensions allowed (default: jpg,gif,png,jpeg)
This is a comma separated list of file types that the software will allow to be uploaded.  There should be no need to change this as there are no other file types suitable for displaying your product images on the web.

AspUpload login (default: none)
AspUpload password (default: none)
For ServeLink hosting customers.  You can set your FTP/FrontPage user name and password here instead of needing to set any permissions on the prodimages folder.  This may or may not work on other hosts; if not go ahead and have your host set write/modify permissions on the prodimages folder for the IUSR account and leave these two fields blank.

Default giant image dimensions
Default large image dimensions
Default small image dimensions

This is the default size in pixels for the giant, large and small images that will be automatically filled in for you when you try and upload.  The default size can be changed here, and whatever is here can always be overridden on the product admin page.  Setting these values to 0 will mean the image dimensions will be unchanged when you upload, but the file size will still be optimized for the web by the software.

Note that images will always be kept in proportion when they are scaled by the software, and the dimensions you set are treated as maximum dimensions.  So for example if your large image is set to 250 x 250px (square) and you upload a wide rectangular (landscape) image then the maximum width of 250px will be respected but the finished height will be less than that.  If you just wanted to have all your large images the same width you could, for example, set the width to 250px and the height to a large value like 999px and in that case the height would always be ignored.

AspJpeg image quality (default: 70)
This controls the final image quality of the resized images.  A value of around 70/72 usually represents the best balance between file size (for fast page loading) and quality, but you can adjust to your preference.

Small image path format
Large image path format
Giant image path format

If you want to just have your small, large and giant images placed into three separate folders then these settings can remain unchanged.  If you would like more granular control of the image destination then this is explained in more detail in this article

Use image gallery display on small images (default: Yes)
Using multiple images per product you are able to create a form of image gallery display with left/right buttons to step through the display.  If you do not wish to have this kind of display on the product pages (for reasons of overcrowding or neatness, maybe) then set this to "No" and the software will only auto-create the small image from the first image you upload in the group, further images uploaded will only populate the large and giant images.  This setting can also be overridden individually when you upload.

Category image directory
The location where your category images will be stored.  This setting can be left alone unless you have some location for them other than within the prodimages folder in mind.  You will need to ensure the specified folder does actually exist.

Default category image dimensions
This is the default size in pixels for the category images that will be automatically filled in for you when you try and upload.  The default size can be changed here, and whatever is here can always be overridden on the category admin page.  Setting these values to 0 will mean the image dimensions will be unchanged when you upload, but the file size will still be optimized for the web by the software.

Even if you don't change any of the default settings it is necessary to press the "Save" button on the first visit to the configuration page to ensure that your preference are written to the database.


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